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The main advantages of the e-PdP Prevention Plan software

Simplify writing and updates

The prevention plan is time-consuming
With e-PdP, the dematerialized prevention plan simplifies the drafting, updates and use of the document. This saves time for all contributors.

Less office work and paperwork for more operational time.

A collaborative platform

The prevention plan affects your performance and that of your subcontractors.

The digitalization of prevention plans improves the distribution of the workload between the User Company (UC) and External Companies (EC). In particular, the latter directly manage the authorizations of their stakeholders and the provision of their supporting documents.

Overall communication is better!

More operational

The prevention plan is heavy to read
With the digital prevention plan, your stakeholders and employees only access the information that is really useful to them, and at the right time from a mobile device.

Keep the information handy!